Sims 3 - How to add bones & morph (including pregnant) to clothes
Hey guys! I’m going to show you my way of adding bones & morph to a clothing (whether it’s your own mesh or a S4-S3 conversion!). i know there is a tutorial to do this on @sims3tutorialhub (you should really check out this blog, it’s so helpful!!!!), but in my case I always had this issue when importing :

And it’s really frustrating XD
What you’ll need for this tutorial :
- Milkshape 3D
- Mesh ToolKit
- TSR Workshop (the old version I think, which you can grab here!)
- A bones reference (which you can get from exporting a nude clothing (top/bottom or swimsuit for females on the Workshop)
- A morph reference (I use these ones)
- I assume you have basic knowledge about how this will work, but feel free to ask questions !
ADD BONES (you’ll need to do that before adding morph) :
So first, I will use a conversion I did of EllieSimple SilkRomper as an example for this tuto (I already converted it, you can grab it here).

Here is the Milkshape view. To add proper bones to a clothing, the mesh shouldn’t be super high poly or it won’t work (it will explose and TSR will crash…). You need to reduce the poly of the mesh only by going to Tools/DirectX Mesh Tools (Autosmooth under the group panel needs to be ticked!). I usually reduce it to 5000-7000 poly (which is already kinda high) to not loose to much quality of the mesh. When it’s done, regroup the body & the clothe and rename it “group_base”, then export as .wso. I usually name it high, but you can name it as you want :)
Now open Mesh tool kit and go to “Auto Tools for WSO” (Auto-Assign Bones panel).
Use as reference mesh the nude mesh you exported from the TSRWS, and use the “High.wso” file as WSO mesh to modify. It should look like this :

Click “Do Assignments and Save” and replace the “High.wso” file. You have now assigned the basic bones to your clothe. But when doing this, you’ll have an issue with the hands bones (they will distort in game), so we need to fix that ! Go back to MilkShape 3D, untick the AutoSmooth box under the Group tab, and import the High.wso file
Use the selection tool under the model tab and select the hands (both right & left) :

Now go to the Joint tab and click the clear button :

This action removed the bad bones from the hand, so you can now assign better ones! Export this as highnohand.wso (this is how I usually name this file, but feel free to change!)
Go back to MeshToolKit and select the highnohand.wso as “.wso mesh to modify”. You need to check “Replace only empty bone assignments” instead of “Replace all bone assignments” !! Click “Do assignments and save” and save it as highgoodhand.wso
Now open the WorkShop, go to mesh and import the highgoodhand.wso. Click “Yes then “yes”

Now you’re done assigning bones, you can now add morph to the mesh!
Export this mesh as .wso, I name it “afterWS”, and import it in Milkshape 3d (you still need to have autosmooth unticked!). If you go into the Group tab you’ll see it has now 5groups, corresponding to the morph (tho it still hasn’t got any!)

Delete all the groups except for “group_base” and export it as “afterMD.wso”
Open MeshToolKit and now go to Auto-create Morph.
Use as “Reference WSO mesh” the “Adult Female All Morph - Including Pregnancy” you downloaded from Sims3TutorialHub, and use as “WSO mesh to morph” the “AfterMD.wso”. Click “Create Morph Meshgroups” and save it as “morph.wso”

Now you can import this wso in the TSRWS, click “Yes” then “yes” again. Your clothes has now Bones & Morph, and you avoided the “Unmatched number of Vertices issue !!!!!

You can now click on the “…” next to the Mesh, choose “GEOM Vertices Editor.

Then change the TagValue to “FFFFFFFF” (8F), right click, copy to all, then click done.
The High LOD (or LOD0) is now ready! Now do other LOD !
It’s the end of the tuto! If you need more tutorials on how to create clothes, please check this page!
I know it might be looking like another tutorials, it’s because I first some of these tricks from others! But I don’t think there is exactly one like mine, and I know I’ve been struggling with the “Unmatched number of vertices” issue for a veeeeeeeery long time XD
I want to thanks @simplyimaginarypeople, @mimisapje & @sims3tutorialhub for their tutorials and for helping me when I was in trouble ! If you have any questions or suggestions about how to improve the tuto, please message me (off anon would be better) and I’ll try to help you :D
- Shimydim
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